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Paris apartment living room

looking down from the loft

exposed ceiling beams

library wall in living room

the kitchen

from the kitchen looking into the green bath

the green bathroom

the bedroom looking into the 2nd bath

bedroom at night

Italian 'Fortuny' pendant light

construction meeting in Paris cafe

Polish plasterers

the living area during construction

kitchen tiles installed

the living area and kitchen before remodel

before remodel












Renovation of two studio apartments into a single unit


Renovation of a historic 1838 structure


Paris, France



500 sq. ft.

Located in the historic Latin Quarter of Paris, this renovation combines two studios into a single 500 square foot apartment. Built in 1838 as housing to the Nuns of St. Etienne, the priority was to celebrate the historic qualities of the building while upgrading it for modern living. Prior remodels had lowered the ceilings. This design opened the ceilings to expose beautiful old beams both to the bedroom and to the living area. The open ceiling design further allows the space above the entry stair to become a loft adjacent to the living area. The built-in cabinets and storage throughout the petite de l’apartement were designed to help maximize and assure its required efficiency. The project also included  selection of all the finishes and paint colors, designing the kitchen and baths, and selection of the appliances, fixtures, and furniture.  To create this tiny but classic French country styled apartment further required the delightful experience of shopping in the Paris flea markets to furnish it with a rich and eclectic collection of Parisian finds. 

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