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zendo entry

zen garden and entry porch

bell at entry porch

exposed porch roof structure



Zendo meditation room

zen garden and courtyard

courtyard and fountain

the challenge before the the renovation

the basement before the renovation











Renovation of a 1928 appartment basement and parking lot into a Zendo and terraced Zen Garden




Beacon Hill, Seattle, WA


6,000 sq. ft. Zendo

7,200 sq. ft. garden

The Buddhist community, Dai Bai Zan Che Bo Zen Ji,  purchased an existing 1928 apartment building and hired Debrah L. Walker, Architects, to transform a dark, dank basement into a beautifully well crafted Zendo.


With respect for traditional Japanese Zen architecture the design works to inspire a sense of harmony in the simplicity of it’s floor plan, in it’s style, and in the details and use of materials. Equally important is the relationship between the building and it’s entry courtyard which helps to create a transition from a city neighborhood to a place  of stillness.  Achieving these goals along with meeting current seismic, building, and fire codes in an old structure was the challenge and focus of this project. To meet these goals an effective and creative team collaboration was formed between the Zendo community, the builders, and Debrah as the architect.  Each group came forward to bring their best efforts  in the creation of this beautifully detailed Zen meditation center as well as it’s terraced  courtyard garden.

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